Grow Your Business With Profit planning, Slow-Productivity Strategies and Sexy Systems

Are you drowning in a sea of planning, sloppy systems, and no automation misery? Then you can finally exhale because you’ve landed in the perfect spot! 

After 17 years of entrepreneurship, I can safely say that I’ve become an expert in helping female small business owners embrace profit planning, streamlined systems, and beyond-productivity strategies leaving the hustle era behind in the dust. Let’s shift from scattered to streamlined. Ready to uncover essential steps for calm and organization?

Automation magic and slow productivity are within your reach, and I’m here to make it accessible and fun.

Plan For Profit. Uplevel. Pivot. Grow. Flow. Dream. Evolve. Breathe. Release. Thrive.

Your Profitable Planned 90 Days System

🌟 Welcome to Your Gateway to Productivity and Profitability! 🌟

With our “Profitable Planned 90 Days System” you’ll discover how to set up a planning system to help you stay organized and on track. Say goodbye to being hustle-frazzled, and overwhelmed, and hello to you being aligned, in flow, crystal clear, and profitable!
slow productivity
sexy systems
Your template crush
Jakolien Sok - Jacky + Co. - March 2024

Fancy You Here!

I'm Jakolien, your go-to Slow-Productivity Strategist


My mission is to help female entrepreneurs build, grow and scale their business. My superpower is turning overwhelm, into a clear path with focus and a plan to take action to achieve set goals!